Thursday, April 3, 2008

Life.......In the blink of an eye!!!

Whew!!! Where has the time gone? It seems like I was just breaking the news about my child day or two ago, but as you can see above he's only about 4 weeks away, it's been an awesome experience the doctors visits and the ultrasounds watching him grow it has been truly amazing....I just can't wait to hold him. Let's see what else has happened my bro Rob ditched me....again......I 'm supposedly an elitist or record for friends is pretty bad I guess. Anyway I joined the MotoVelo cycling team a great group of guy's and sweet bike shop. Hopefully I will be racing this Sunday in Rock Hill South Carolina in a 40 mile road race. I really want to make something of this....I think I have the ability but convincing yourself is the hardest part. I'll continue to train my butt off to achieve my goals. Being a good husband and father comes first and making a good showing as a cyclist second. Oh yeah riding a new steed...we'll talk about that next time! Later.....gotta train!
Hey Rob , that's for the "TRI Geek " Comment

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